Year: 2010


Have a look here for the full documentary.

Thanks to KoreUK for the link.


I keep coming back to this quote:

“Once you kind of get to that level and you are sort of tapped by corporations, then you sort of lose your ability to actually be in touch with what is going on.  You are reacting to secondary information”.

How can we learn from this as a church?

Changing Education Paradigms and The Church

The little teacher inside my head started to nod and hasn’t stopped.  So how does this apply to or affect the church?  What can we learn from this?  What do we do as a church when it comes to facilitating collaboration?  Using the metaphorical people churning production line from this animation, what “product” do we churn out*?  What are the inherent flaws with our production line?  Are we as community a place that empowers people of all backgrounds to flourish and become an agent that transforms the world in which we live or are we the anesthetic that disengages our brains from the both the creation and the creator?

*My initial typo was “What ‘product’ do we church out?”  Perhaps I should have left it.

What is a “Fresh Expression of Church”?

The Fresh Expressions email sent a link to this video.  The issue it highlights was the focus of the keynote address by Graham Cray at Sheffield Diocese day of workshops looking at Fresh Expressions.  His most poignant remark was along these lines (I type from memory):

My advice for people who want to set up a fresh expression is ‘don’t’.  Spend a year or two praying with a group of people about where God is working in your place.  Don’t just try to transplant something from somewhere else.  See what grows out of the area in which you are.