Year: 2011

Judas | Lady Gaga

So what does everyone think of the ‘controvercial new video’ from Lady Gaga?  Is it just me or has this been released about three weeks too late?

I can see it causing outrage to many but depicting Christ as a biker doesn’t really bother me.  Every time people try to be “controversial” they bring our gospel story to the forefront and invite us to talk about it.  The choice we have is whether we will engage with people or whether we will bring condemnation and sideline ourselves.

To be honest, a hairy biker like me is probably not the person to ask about this particular offering.  My main comment is “why would anyone do this to their ears”?  It is strange that they are all dressed in leather and riding chops.  If this was played at any bike rally I’ve been to there would probably be a fatality.

Faithfully Retelling Our Story

If you have visited my blog on a regular basis you may have noticed that I spend quite a bit of time talking about narrative and story. We are part of an ongoing historical narrative that has been told from generation to generation about the God who has chooses to interact with us throughout time. It tells of our ancestors and it points towards our future generations. Long before we had doctrines we had the story and we are asked to retell this story and continue to live it in our daily lives.

Tony Jones blogged about a sermon delivered by Nadia Bolz-Weber on Easter Morning. Nadia blogs here and tweets as @Sarcasticluther. It is a while since I have visited her blog so I was really glad to be pointed back to it by @jonestony. I’ve just watched the video (about 53 mins in) and it is brilliant. There is something about the way in which Nadia retells our salvation history that is compelling.

This is a leader we can follow. And the thing that really cooked people’s noodles wasn’t the question “is Jesus like God” it was “what if God is like Jesus”. What if God is not who we thought? What if the most reliable way to know God is not through religion, not through a sin and punishment program, but through a person. What if the most reliable way to know God is to look at how God chose to reveal God’s self in Jesus?

I won’t repost her sermon in full. Please watch it. Continue to faithfully retell our story.  Continue to faithfully live the next chapter of our story.  Be inspired. Be renewed. Be changed. Be a “a people who still have the dirt from our graves under our nails, while we stand here shouting Alleluia! Christ is risen”!!

[Yesterday I spent a long time writing this blog post and WordPress ate it. If it does it again I am going to give this up and take to living on a rock just north of Holy Island.]

ASBO Jesus Rocks!!


Jon from ASBO Jesus posted on my Facebook wall saying “I’ve done an ASBO portrait of you”. I spent an hour or so looking for enough Internet connectivity to have a look.

Wealth and fame, a Jedi craves not these things!

(hope this works, I’m next to Hadrian’s wall using my phone to try and post this)