Year: 2011

Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

I came across this video last week when I had limited access to the internet.

One of the key things about the alt:worship movement is that it has allowed the ideas that people have to develop, to flourish, to mutate and to be explored. Historically, the church has been the hub of the arts and provided funding, space and time for much of our cultural heritage in the United Kingdom. Music, painting, sculpture and writing, in fact most of the “high culture” of the past millennium was not just inspired by but funded by the church. It strikes me that the current pattern for is becoming geared towards creating management structures within our churches rather than spaces for ideas. Phil Ritchie spotted something similar and asked the question “where are the poet priests?” a few months ago. I also posted about the “envisioning lab“.

How do we create an environment in which good ideas can be fostered within our church structures? Just some food for thought.

Translating The Faith

In the course of the last few weeks I’ve had a few conversations both in person and via twitter about what can loosely be called “translation”.  This morning Evan Cockshaw posted a link to a survey that got me thinking:

Christians who make Bible reading a part of their everyday life prefer word-for-word translations of the original Greek and Hebrew over thought-for-thought translations, according to a new study released by LifeWay Research.

This led to an interesting 140 character tweeted conversation at cross purposes about the translation of biblical texts.  The premise that there is a way of merely translating the words of the Greek text directly into the English language is in many ways flawed.  I remember one of the first things said to a beginners Greek class I was in a few years ago.  An ancient monastic was explaining verbs and struggling to explain how language worked.  He turned to the class and said:

It is a shame that you need a Zimbabwean monastic to come and teach you how the English language works.

Earlier this month I had been talking with a relative about the parable of the mustard seed and was asked “what’s that all about”?

Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches.

In England mustard is generally a bright yellow field crop not unlike oil seed rape.  A tiny plant incapable of performing the function Jesus describes.  The parable’s meaning was obscured for the reader because the concepts used within it did not have meaning.  There is a tendency to assume that writing is about the writer and ignore the impact that the hearer has upon the narrative.

Darmok and Jalad at Tenagra

Of course in this instance with the mustard tree, a simple google image search brought different varieties of mustard growing wild in warmer climates.

In the modern world we see through our own cultural lenses.  The experiences we have had colour the way in which we use language.  As we celebrate the King James Version of the bible it is important to remember the way in which language has developed over the past four hundred year and how concepts have been lost and words rendered new meanings.

If we are to continue to retell our salvation history afresh we need to constantly strive for both accuracy and cultural relevance to explain the most exciting tale ever told – that of God and how he reveals himself to his people in the past, how he reveals himself now and how he will reveal himself in the future!

The News

It has been a week of strange experiences.  I mentioned in passing to our lovely local journalists that I was involved in a service at Dewsbury Minster called the “Rock Mass”.  Obviously we have done a few of these before but this time it seems to have legs.  Something to do with it being in a “Minster” and something about it being a “diocesan event”.  I talked with our lovely local journalist for a whole three minutes whilst she wrote everything down in short hand.

Last night I discovered that our paper had a massive pic of me in it and a half page article about the event.  I was a little shocked at how much it focussed on me (I’m shy).  For our local paper this makes sense as the Rock Mass isn’t happening here.  For the people who live here I am the curio.  The Dewsbury paper has a preview of the event in todays issue and it is very much about the event.

Yesterday, I received a phone call from the Dewsbury Reporter asking if they could do a photo shoot for the event.  Could I bring my motorbike down?

The next thing I knew, I was riding a Harley into the Minster and plonking it in the centre aisle.

That is a sentence I never thought I’d be writing!!  I’ll link you to the proper photo when it has been published.

Are You Gonna Go My Way? | Alternative Hymnal

It hardly seems two minutes since this was playing on radio stations around the globe and yet my calendar informs me that it was released 18 years ago in 1993.  This month’s Classic Rock Magazine has an interview with Lenny Kravitz about the iconic song he wrote on the back of a paper bag that took the world by storm.

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