Year: 2017

Abbey Royale Fontevraud

I went on a residential course a few weeks ago and one of my fellow inmates recommended Fontevraud as a place to visit. Once again the vicar is on holiday visiting ABC (another bloody church). Ruth likes to listen to the audio guide whilst I just take in the ambience. When you work in churches it can be a bit too much of a busman’s holiday to think about buttresses and gargoyles in your spare time.

I love how some ancient art incorporates the hierarchy of the institution into the scene.  That said, I hate it when the local landed gentry paid to have their face painted onto the infant Christ.  My favourite icon is in the Louvre as Christ puts his arm around St Menas.  I digress.

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Reclaiming Religion

Religion can and must be a force for good in the world

Rabbi Sharon Brous

Rabbi Sharon Brous makes a call for hope.  She has to set up a caricature of “all religious people in the USA” in order to deconstruct it but it is interesting to see a Rabbi exploring the same kinds of things we have been saying about Emergence in Christianity.

“It is the job of our religious leaders to make people uncomfortable”.

My New Prayer Device 

How do you get naughty boys to pray?  I have a bracelet of knots around my left wrist that a turn around in my fingers. If I’m feeling extravagant I have this set of orthodox knots that keep my mind focussed enough to engage with the Divine. 

Meet my new prayer divice!  Fidget cube!  Given to me by a friend. Modern day naughty boy prayer time!  And it really works. And it fits in my pocket too!  

Let us pray….

Clicketty clicketty talky talky time!