Author: Robb

Chaotic Good.

Sing Hosanna in an Advert

I am used to watching adverts destroy a song we play in Silverthorn. Who can forget DFS using Rock Star until everyone on earth hated it?  As we await the second half of Friends, Vanarama (who I have never heard of) appeared on my tellybox.  I wish I was a fly on the wall of the meeting where an advertising executive pitched “Sing Hosanna” as a soundtrack to their company.

Nova by VNV Nation, Nova | Alternative Hymnal

Why is Robb sharing electronica?  Who can say?  It’s not normally my kind of thing but when we were running the charity stall at Whitby Goth Weekend this came out of my friend’s iPod and I really like it. Electronic goth/industrial – no spandex in sight.

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The Collect for Church Growth

Oh Lord,

You’ve seen the figures.

Show us a way to streamline some kind of management structure,

That’ll enable 4-5% growth during the next financial 12 month.
