Author: Robb

Chaotic Good.

This Advent I Will Take Time To…

Photo 29-11-2015, 11 37 46

Fifty sheets of card cut into A5, 5 minutes on photoshop and £3 for the magnet from eBay.  And of course my handy pack of felt tips from Bargain Madness.

Fridge magnet prayers.  “This advent I will take time to…”

We spend so much time running around being human doings instead of human beings.  This advent we’ve made decisions about how we are going to deepen our relationship with God and with our friends and family.  It’s going up on the fridge at eye height to remind us to drink more tea, to pray more, to laugh more… or whatever we decided as we were praying this morning.

Hail Holy King | A Hymn for Christ The King

About six months ago we were talking about the highly infectious ancient hymn, Hail Holy Queen. If you’ve ever watched Sister Act you can’t help but sing along.  We wanted to sing it at Rock Mass with Metanoia but needed to make it work in a service that takes place monthly. We have reworked it to fit with the feast of Christ The King.  When we have played it at Rock Mass, it worked really well.

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The Bigatron | Harvest Collective Worship

This isn’t my idea, credit belongs with Fr David Teasdel in Altofts. We were talking about how we were both doing an all age harvest that week in school with 400 children from age 4-11. He said “Easy! BIGATRON” as though that is a satisfactory answer to any harvest question. 

This is tried and tested. A lot. 

The BIGATRON is one of those big opaque boxes from your office with a sign that says BIGATRON. Head to the supermarket and buy veg that comes in different sizes. Cherry tomatoes and beef tomatoes.  Sprouts and cabbages.  Put the big ones inside the BIGATRON and the little ones on the table next to it.  

Forgive me for paraphrasing in short hand but I tend to talk without script – this generally goes on for a lot longer with all sorts of dramatic gestures (benefit of being an RE teacher for five hours a day in my previous life):

Last night I fell and hit my head and came up with this amazing idea for an invention.  It’s called the BIGATRON!  It is an amazing thing!  It will solve all world hunger!  This is the BIGATRON!  It works with one magic word…

I generally at this point ask about magic words. Some of the sweetest. Conversations have happened with 400 kids present about how “please” is a magic word that makes things happen and that “sorry” is a magic word because it makes hurt go away. 

We place the small veg in the box. We chant the magic words….

Bigga bigga bigga bigga BIGATRON!!

And then I pull out the big one. 

I usually have about ten different veg.  Tiny parsnips and giant parsnips. 

It’s a carrot but it’s white!  What’s that all about?

I’m constantly amazed by the number of children who have never seen a parsnip. I digress…

And then invite one of the children to pick an item from the harvest offering to put I the BIGATRON. 

The first time I did this she picked the giant purple quality street.

Magic words. 

Must try harder. 

Rabble rousing from the vicar. 

Ask the child to pull out the big one. 

Sprung. The BIGATRON is not real. 

This is the point where we have the opportunity to explore how there is no magic solution. We are reliant upon the God of creation who made a world that supports life.  Rain falls upon the crops and they grow.  And we are responsible for ensuring that food is fairly distributed to those who need it.  Jesus taught us…

This is a springboard into so many scriptures, so many charities, so many moral dilemmas around good and harvest.  You know what to do. Go and do it in 2016. Sorry I’ve not had chance to blog it earlier. 

Who Are You | Collective Worship

I keep running from one thing to another and have been neglecting my blog.  I’ve got loads of creative stuff I’ve done but none of it has appeared here.  This morning (far too early this morning) I was inspired by @frsimon “Oh yes we do!” posted on his blog.  I have been looking for inspiration for what I am going to do for collective worship this year and “who are you” seems like a big enough question for us to sink our teeth into.  @RevLeahVS and I were chatting and she told me about Fischy Music’s Big Big Questions and the kids always complain if I don’t bring the guitar with me.

(I’ve just bought a massive crate and some castors so I should be able to get the electric guitar and amp and a giant paschal candle and laptop and all of the other assorted gubbins I need to play with 200 primary school kids for 20 minutes rather than the acoustic)

Here is the prezi I used.

Here is the intro video I mashed together for it.

Here is Simon’s script.  And if you prefer it… his prezi with icons of each of the Saints.