Author: Robb

Chaotic Good.

Invisible People

There is a fashion at the moment for videoing yourself doing unusual things and uploading it to youtube. They are everywhere but Upworthy share these types of video at an almost hourly rate. Often they highlight issues within our society that should cause us great shame like the plight of the poor or homeless.

Here we have a video that I keep seeing again and again appear on Facebook and twitter. A homeless man is begging on the street and some students come and play music with his bucket.

[EDIT – it got taken down]

I can’t help feeling uneasy about the whole scenario. This homeless man is someone we never hear from or about in the whole clip. He is still homeless and still has no voice at the end of the video. He becomes part of a freak show that no doubt generates lots of traffic to someone’s YouTube account.  I’m haunted by the bewildered look on his face as they leave arm in arm having changed… their YouTube hit count.

As we wander through life we are increasingly oblivious to “the other”.  We wear our headphones and stare at our smart phones as we hustle and bustle from one place to another.  There are marginalised people who are invisible in our society.  We speak about them but we rarely hear from them.  The homeless woman sitting on a sleeping bag at the corner of the road by the market is someone we either walk past or throw some loose change at.  As a society we are paternalistic in the way we engage with “the other”.  We talk about those “invisible people”, the poor or the homeless and we are in danger of dehumanising people we see as “problems to fix” as we turn people into objects.

What Do I Do Now?

Many in the church define their identity by their opponents.  There are lots of organisations and societies who are defined by the things they oppose.  What happens when the battle is over and they are no longer opponents to be struggled against?  How is identity defined once the campaign is over or the “enemy” is no more?

Gethsemane | We’re in Schwarzwald


One of the things we are struck by in Schwarzwald it the sheer volume of public religious art. Whilst there is a crucifix every few of miles along most roads, there are some much more extravagant pieces as well. This is a larger than life depiction of Gethsemane, complete with snoozing disciples.

To give you a sense of place, this is the church it is next to.


Time to commission a massive piece by a famous artist for the park at Holy Nativity.

Corpus Christi | Everything is Shut

I awoke this morning to the twittersphere talking about Corpus Christi. We wandered down the river for an hour to Freiburg with the intention of seeing the sights and then spending the next three days touring the Schwarzwald on the bike. When we arrived in the town everything was notably shut.

Perhaps I should have been alerted by the ferns placed at the end of people’s driveways (I don’t know what this means). It seems that I am unable to go on holiday without arriving in the middle of a major Christian festival. Last year it was Rhodes during Orthodox Holy Week (awesomeness).

In the town itself there are roadside shrines in the windows of shops.


There is also a flower petal mural in the middle of the street.


We intended to visit the Münster – it is one of the reasons we are staying here rather than somewhere else. The ancient church was still open – as you would expect.

Thousands of candles are lit as people have made their way to the Cathedral to pray. We joined in and also lit candles as we prayed for those we love in our community and beyond who are most in need.


Then we snuck off to the secluded sanctuary where the sacrament is kept. Away from the hubbub of the nave there is a small quiet space in which to pray and meditate.


The world has many things I covet, but this ancient aumbry covered in icons is right up there!

It is well documented that in my own ministry I’m generally more at home in modern surroundings. In my book, Holy Nativity is perfect. Celebrating the Eucharist in the old fish and chip shop next to our charity shop is a truly special community to be part of. To occasionally see the ancient roots of our faith throughout the architecture of a living and breathing worship space is breathtaking however. In this place, 1000 years of Christian community is revealed in the changing architecture and furniture.


And if you’re going to have a rood, this is the rood to have. It looks to be ancient (pre reformation) but sadly I don’t know as the tour wasn’t available because… Everything is shut. It could be from 1973 =D


Germany did not strike me as a particularly religious destination but less than 24 hours in its borders and we’re slowing down for Corpus Christi and joining in with the prayers of thousands.

I wonder if we’ll see any more shrines as we head out to watch the football.

[sorry about the quality of the pictures. Motorbike holidays don’t really allow for more than a phone camera]