Author: Robb

Chaotic Good.

‘Songs for the Journey from Heartbreak to Hope’

Brian Eno took apart the idea that creatives work as lone geniuses by coining the term “scenius”.  People create within community and alongside each other.  They are part of a scene.  Creative people bounce ideas off of each other and dig each other’s work.  They are friendly critics of each other, building each other up and inspire one another to reach higher.  Ruth and I have spent the last five years being part of the Resound scene, a community of songwriters and musicians who write adjacent and sometimes in collaboration with each other.  In the coming week Ruth and I are going to spend a week writing music together and we’re really happy that we’re going to be doing that together with a load of other Resound writers at the Song Writing Retreat.

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Are You Journaling?

“It’s a strong start”.

An inquisitive Bassplayer™ asks “Are you journaling?” with the chirpy 6am optimism of the morning person. The fresh out of the packet optimism that an insomniac night owl treasures at an ungodly hour such as this.

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Here Be Dragons

This post is a long time coming. The stunning paintwork is by Dave at DDK Airbrushing.

DDK Airbrushing

If you have followed us for any length of time you will know that Ruth and I travel the world on two wheels. There will be a full blog about Ruth’s bike in a few weeks. She fell in love with it fifteen years ago and that’s her bike. She doesn’t want another one. So three years ago we decided to deal with the fifteen years of European wear and tear.

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