Author: Robb

Chaotic Good.

The Story of Everything

One of the best things about the social media explosion is that talent is no longer confined to a local area.  Jonny Baker has shared this video by a guy called Rich on his blog.  It is awesome and I plan to show it tomorrow morning as part of our service.

It has also given me a bit of a kick up the bum with an audio project I did with a mate for Biblefresh.  Must upload it and get it out there!


David Mitchell shares his thoughts on the changing face of modern weddings.  The Church of England was accused in The Telegraph of ‘pouring misery’ upon the happy couple, profiteering and forcing the cost of a wedding up to an average of £20,000 (£321.50 is the basic fee for a wedding in the Church of England with no extras like bell ringers).  It is amazing how small the ‘wedding part’ of a ‘wedding’ actually is, both financially and as part of the proceedings.

It is interesting to see what someone who sits in the pews or the comfy chairs at a hotel thinks is actually going on with these increasingly extravagant events.

Rock Mass @ Biblefresh Wakefield

The Rock Mass just got big!!  Time for ‘Metanoia’ to ROCK Dewsbury Minster!

Wakefield Diocese are having a huge celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the bible called Biblefresh Wakefield.  There are all sorts of activities going on during the day.

In the evening we will be holding a Rock Mass.  It is ideal for bringing your yoof to.  It is also great for bringing your adults to.  Ancient sacramental worship with a rock band and everything you need for a rock concert.

If you are interested in coming or bringing a group, please join the facebook event and consider following @biblefreshwakey on twitter.