
Category: Children’s Work

Being the Person You Want Around You

Today, I’m in the middle of leading group sessions as part of the Year 7 retreat programme in a large Church of England secondary school. The children and youth department from WYAD hand me the activity and then it evolves as the day proceeds.

With groups of ten pupils we started exploring the changes in the friends we now that we have moved to a much larger secondary school. How do we make new friends in a bigger context?  With a flip chart on the table we “brainstormed” (he’s said it now!) what qualities we look for in a friend, a best friend, a bestie, a bezel.


Using balsa wood people from Baker Ross we then went from the archetype (yes we learned a key word) to our own individual desires by writing the qualities we are looking.

For a plenary (see, I was a teacher don’t you know) we looked at our person and assessed the qualities we were looking for.  Then I asked the pupils if they were able to step up to the challenge and be those people they wanted to have as friends.  “Can we be those people for others”?  Can we be the “honest, caring, kind, funny… ” people we are looking for in the world.

The whole theme of the retreat was “The Light of the World” and this was one of many activities during the day.  Later, when we returned together as the larger group we prayed together.  I invited the pupils to pull out the wooden dudes they had decorated and think about what they had written.  We prayed together that we may become those people who are a light in the world.  We prayed that we would develop those good qualities we were looking for in others.  We prayed that we would go and be the light of the world.

And then I blessed them.

The children and youth department at WYAD are great with resourcing parishes.  They could do with an online presence where you can download resources they make available.

Pass The Nativity

All credit to Ellie Wilson our diocesan advisor for the under fives! Awesomeness abounds.

I just happened to be sat in the children and youth department’s office being a disturber of the peace. When talking about what was going on I mentioned our toddler group and Ellie tumbled out a gazillion awesome ideas.

The one I latched on to was pass the nativity. Santa comes and chocolate will be had. Excellent. But Playmobil make a nativity set. By wrapping them up in order we can tell of Jesus’ birth by playing pass the parcel.

So tomorrow morning they will come out when the music stops and I will sit and tell the tale of Jesus birth to some fresh ears who have never heard it before.

The equipment:


At the centre is JC, wrapped in gold at the heart of the package.


There is also Playmobil Saint Nicholas (not Santa). Postie hasn’t delivered him yet so I’ll have to wait until next year to play with him.

This is the order I’ve wrapped them:


The Good Samaritan Animation

I’ve spent the last four weeks doing activity days with 5-11 year old’s at Holy Nativity.  Today we looked at The Good Samaritan and “who is my neighbour”?  Two minutes and seventeen seconds of animation isn’t going to fill your four hours up but they all shouted “let’s watch it again” afterwards.

I think it is cute.

Sheldon’s Grace

As we’re doing children’s prayers and graces, here’s Sheldon Cooper doing grace with his mother.

By His hand, we are all fed.
Give us Lord, our daily bread.
Please know that we are truly grateful,
For every cup and every plateful.
