Category: Church

Pray | A Simple Decoration

I shamelessly stole this idea. I saw it on the wall of my friend’s church. I am shameless!

400 twinkly lights from B&Q. A handful of tie-wraps and a cat. OK, perhaps you don’t need the cat. Perhaps.


SumUp | Stock Photo for Church Giving

I’m trailing the new stand alone app for contactless giving that comes with SumUp.  I realised there was no good stock image to make a poster out of.  Everything looks like a business.  So I took one.  Do with it whatever you like.


Play Church | All Age Worship With Toddlers

This is an idea I have shamelessly stolen from @revleahvs.  Play is such an important part of learning.  One Sunday night I watched a ten year old from Holy Nativity put her arms up in the air and recount the words of invitation I use at the eucharist.  We learn through playing.  So we now have six toddler churches.

Cheap plastic boxes with with a laminated card on the top.

Fairtrade dolls that come in a range of races and gender.

Vestments made from felt I bought in the range.

Egg cup, castor cup and electric tea lights from ebay.Laminated Lord’s Prayer.

Holding cross and psalm 23 on a card from ebay.

Hankerchief folded as a corporal from ebay.

So lets play church.  Lets learn the faith as we play with it.

Estates Church Life

As part of the Renewal and Reform agenda, the Archbishops’ Estates Evangelism Task Group have been hard at work for the last two years*.  In the coming weeks I will post more about how things are progressing with the “commitment to action“.

Our estates projects are working toward a thriving, growing, loving church on every significant social housing estate in the country – through new patterns of ministry, sharing good practice and encouraging leaders.

I wanted to highlight the recent video that was released.  Unfortunately, most of the publicity came out whist I was on holiday so I am a bit late to the party.  But as they say, better late than never.

*well you would say that Robb, you’re part of it.