Category: Church

Don’t Stop Believing | Nativity Lyrics

Last year Bishop Steve Croft sent the clergy in his diocese a Christmas Card containing his own reworked lyrics for Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing.  Ali forwarded the card to us in the New Year and we’ve been looking at how we could play it at the Christmas Rock Mass with our band Metanoia.  As Ruth and I have played the song in Silverthorn, it wasn’t a difficult task.  We have slightly reworked his lyrics as they didn’t quite scan.  We’ve also put the ending back in as it’s so perfect.  We’ve used it in Worship at Wakefield Cathedral last week and Holy Nativity Last Night.  It works really well!

Don’t Stop Believing – Journey/Steve Croft/Metanoia

In a lonely world, suddenly a new life stirred
The night a child was born down in Bethlehem
When the girl’s time came, there was no room at the inn
The night a child was born down in Bethlehem

A hillside on a cold dark night, the winter skies ablaze with light
Choirs of angels singing filled the skies-it went on and on and on and on

Glory, Glory, peace on earth, goodwill to all
Oh, Glory, Glory in the heights,
Glory, glory, sing with us the angels’ song, oh,
Glory, glory in the heights!

Straight away, the shepherds came, knelt and learned the baby’s name
Wrapped and cradled in a cattle stall, in Bethlehem
Mary’s child, Son of God, helpless babe, creation’s Lord
Angel’s singing fills the skies, it goes on and on and on and on

Glory, Glory, peace on earth, goodwill to all
Oh, Glory, Glory in the heights,
Glory, glory, sing with us the angels’ song, oh,
Glory, glory in the heights!

Don’t stop believin’, Hold on to that feelin’, God is with us, woah!
Don’t stop believin’, Hold on…                   God is with us, woah!
Don’t stop believin’, Hold on to that feelin’, God is with us, woah!
Don’t stop believin’, Hold on to that feelin’, God is with us, woah!
Don’t stop believin’,                             God is with us,
Don’t Stop!

Nativity Erasers

I found these at Paperchase and had to have them.  They will live on the many shelves of similar items =D

Photo 21-12-2015, 18 44 18

This Advent I Will Take Time To…

Photo 29-11-2015, 11 37 46

Fifty sheets of card cut into A5, 5 minutes on photoshop and £3 for the magnet from eBay.  And of course my handy pack of felt tips from Bargain Madness.

Fridge magnet prayers.  “This advent I will take time to…”

We spend so much time running around being human doings instead of human beings.  This advent we’ve made decisions about how we are going to deepen our relationship with God and with our friends and family.  It’s going up on the fridge at eye height to remind us to drink more tea, to pray more, to laugh more… or whatever we decided as we were praying this morning.

Hail Holy King | A Hymn for Christ The King

About six months ago we were talking about the highly infectious ancient hymn, Hail Holy Queen. If you’ve ever watched Sister Act you can’t help but sing along.  We wanted to sing it at Rock Mass with Metanoia but needed to make it work in a service that takes place monthly. We have reworked it to fit with the feast of Christ The King.  When we have played it at Rock Mass, it worked really well.

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