Category: Prayer

Paper Chain Prayers

At the Christmas Rock Mass we prayed for Jesus to bring light into the dark situations around the world and in our lives.  I bought a couple of paper chain making kits from eBay.  With suitable music playing, people wrote their prayers on the back of their links and added them to the chain.  It was really powerful as our prayers joined together and we all gathered around the altar together.  We all took a glow stick (or many as some of our kids saw fit) and made bracelets to symbolise the light of Christ entering into the world.  Then the president brought all of the prayers together at the end and offered them before God as they were placed around the crib scene.

Photo 21-12-2015, 12 23 45

Photo 21-12-2015, 22 12 35
Yes, that’s Richie Sambora on the telly.

This Advent I Will Take Time To…

Photo 29-11-2015, 11 37 46

Fifty sheets of card cut into A5, 5 minutes on photoshop and £3 for the magnet from eBay.  And of course my handy pack of felt tips from Bargain Madness.

Fridge magnet prayers.  “This advent I will take time to…”

We spend so much time running around being human doings instead of human beings.  This advent we’ve made decisions about how we are going to deepen our relationship with God and with our friends and family.  It’s going up on the fridge at eye height to remind us to drink more tea, to pray more, to laugh more… or whatever we decided as we were praying this morning.


Next month’s Rock Mass is “Rock Mass Unplugged” in the park with a BBQ.  Jonnie Parkin from Luminous has helped us out by cutting a labyrinth into the church park.

Prayer Baubles | All Age Worship Idea

I’m in the midst of running numerous Messy Christingle afternoons for our local school.  I was thinking of ideas to engage slightly older children (Years 5 and 6) so went to my happy place – The Range (UK shop).  I came across these empty baubles (£1.99 for 6) which gave rise to this…


I cut a few sheets of red and green paper into strips.  I asked the children what they were most looking forward to for Christmas.  All sorts of different answers came but the first was “spending time with my family” and the second was “giving presents”.  OK, I admit that these were total gifts as answers but we also talked about sprouts along the way as well.

On one side of the paper we wrote a prayer for our family or friends.  I showed them mine – “Lord I pray for my mum” and explained that she wasn’t very well and that was why I wanted to pray for her.

On the other side we were “inspired by your answer that you look forward to giving” and wrote a prayer for people who are in need at Christmas.

Then we rolled them up and put them inside the bauble.

Then we added two pinches of glitter (that bag of shiny cuttings that cost a measly £1 from The Range).

Add a piece of thread and voilà!

Advent 10 - Holy

Prayer baubles that we can shake during the worship as a prayer.  Then you can take it home and hang it on your tree!