Category: Fresh Expressions

Leadership Styles

One of the things that is often debated with regard to emergence is the need to reject the perceived autocratic forms of Church leadership.  People have a deep desire to be included and in feel a responsibility for their own faith.  To take an active place in their own relationship with God and to lead one another collectively. 

In this world of Christian Jargon we have a plethora of hyperpolysyllabic words to assist us as we pursue a satisfactory description of a utopian model of church leadership.  In the ‘historic church’ people often use the phrase “Pope in their own Parish” or “Father knows best” to describe others, but I have yet to hear someone label themselves in this way.  Mostly, within the ‘historic church’ people use the phrase “shared ministry”.  Responsibility is handed out.  The church is recognised as “the body of Christ” and a perceived sense of camaraderie is spoken of as we pull together to the task of declaring the good news…

…the problem is that social convention and group dynamics don’t actually allow this to happen.

So of these two different models what is the actual difference other than language?  Do we actually end up with a pecking order that is more dangerously insidious?  An unspoken social structure to which those who are uninitiated in the group can fall foul.  A community of eventual disempowerment and a group of gradually de-skilled people.  At least with “Father knows best” we have a situation where everyone knows the social conventions.   There is a certainty in this with which we all can work. 

To illustrate further, my wife recently went to a “initial consultation” at work to look at the “vision statement” of her department.  In the “consultation”, a presentation was given of the finalised vision statement with the instruction “take this a disseminate it widely in your department”.  Effectively, an autocratic system of leadership with the language of consultation.  Or as I would prefer to call it as I am from Yorkshire, “a lie”.

So am I arguing for the autocratic style of church leadership that we all seem to experience and yet which we all firmly deny exists?  Am I suggesting that we point at the elephant in the room and call it what it is?  I am a Yorkshireman after all and it would seem meet and right to declare that the spade is on the left and the shovel is on the right. 

Of course I’m not suggesting an autocracy.  That would be silly.  What I am calling for is a more radical approach to our view of “shared ministry” that doesn’t include an unspoken “father knows best”.  Real sharing of power and responsibility means that we need to be empowered to let go.  We need to nurture those we meet and facilitate them as they explore their gifts.  We must support them as they try things for the first time.  To be the safety net for those in our communities who want to fly for the first time and have just plucked up courage to spread their wings and leap from the branch.  To encourage each other as we develop communities that build each other up.

Most importantly it means being able to congratulate and encourage someone who did it better than we ever could.  We must shelve our pride and recognise that God does not depend on us, we depend on God.

Have more faith in the church than you have in yourself.  Have still more faith in Him who made all than you have in the church.


I am currently spending a week on residential training in preparation for ordination to the priesthood.  Yesterday we had the privilege of spending the day learning with Simon Airey.  Simon is chaplain part time to Grey College in Durham but for the other half he is a Storyteller.

I came across storytelling as part of my MA course, “Preaching in a Narrative Culture”.  Simon spent the day with us looking at things from a much more practical level.  Making stories our own, whether wisdom stories or folk tales.  We then went to look at how we could work towards telling the bible.  Firstly as a way of performing the text as written.  To inhabit the text and then to orate it to the audience as story.  The key to story telling is to go beyond the text and learn to tell the tale from memory.  It is time to learn the lines of the script and make them our own.

The other form of telling was to write Midrash.  A Midrash is a reimagining of a biblical story and requires a deep understanding of a passage.  Then you imagine the story from a different perspective.  Perhaps you write the story from another characters point of view.  I personally have done this a few times.  The first time I told the story of Jesus at the Wedding in Cana from the perspective of the servant who has run out of wine.  The last time was a few months ago when I rewrote the temptation in the wilderness from the perspective of the Devil. 

Simon was quite inspirational.  I commend him to you and I humbly suggest that you may give storytelling a go some time soon.

The Book – The New Testament as a Magazine

I was intrigued by a post over on Jonny Baker’s blog about a glossy magazine version of the bible.  I ordered it weeks ago but missed the post and had no way of collecting it from the sorting office until the wonderful wife went and picked it up on her way home from work.

I was originally sceptical about how well the full new testament would work as a magazine.  Magazines tend to be short and to the point with small articles.  I envisaged vast amounts of text printed on floppy pages with a couple of pictures here or there.  Instead I found something that looks visually stunning.  It actually feels like it needs to be read.  It is wonderful!  The images are thought provoking and linked with some key passages from the text.  There are many wonderful contemporary depictions of familiar scenes such as the birth of Jesus.

This is clearly not a Bible you are going to want to sit down and read verse for verse with a commentary.  That is not its purpose – there are many different study bibles out there.  This serves a much more important market – those who have never read the bible before and are unlikely to do so because of the format.  We live in a world where a vast majority rarely pick up a book to read.  The internet and magazines are the predominant reading material – and this is who may well pick this up.  As they flick through they may only glance at the occasional piece of text but as with all magazines, key verses are highlighted.

I was at first worried about the durability of this visually stunning glossy mag.  I was quite concerned about the £22 I had paid for it.  What if it becomes less pristine?  What if it looks like it has been thumbed through as though in a doctors surgery waiting room awaiting the next grubby paws to come along and leaf through it.  Hopefully it will become just that.  Hopefully whilst I am making a cup of tea for a couple who have come to talk about the prospect of a marriage in their local parish church they will pick it up.  Hopefully they will paw through it.  Hopefully they will perhaps see what I see – the hope of the world.  Perhaps when it looks a little too dog eared from people finding out about Him, I will buy another one and leave it lying around where people can get their hands on it!

Available from Bible Illuminated and Amazon and you can check out a sample chapter here.

A Smashing Idea | Worship Idea for Confession

If you are looking for a different way in which to pray for repentance, how about doing it in a dramatic and violent manner?

For this you will need to get some cheap plates and permanent markers.  Ikea or a charity shop will be a good place to get very cheap plates from.  Using the permanent markers, each person is invited to write their sins on a plate.  For the absolution, everyone then comes to smash their plate against some rocks.

Think about how to make it safe – we don’t want to have a Greek Tragedy.  Don’t have everyone coming up all at once.  Put sheets down so that all of the broken crockery can be easily gathered at the end and then throw it away.