Category: Worship

Guinea Pig Nativity

This is a really good book for the smallest room in the house. It’s just the biblical narrative (yeah, not the Sunday school nonsense) with pictures of Guinea pigs dressed up. Buy yourself a copy!

Paper Chain Prayers

At the Christmas Rock Mass we prayed for Jesus to bring light into the dark situations around the world and in our lives.  I bought a couple of paper chain making kits from eBay.  With suitable music playing, people wrote their prayers on the back of their links and added them to the chain.  It was really powerful as our prayers joined together and we all gathered around the altar together.  We all took a glow stick (or many as some of our kids saw fit) and made bracelets to symbolise the light of Christ entering into the world.  Then the president brought all of the prayers together at the end and offered them before God as they were placed around the crib scene.

Photo 21-12-2015, 12 23 45

Photo 21-12-2015, 22 12 35
Yes, that’s Richie Sambora on the telly.

Mary’s Lullaby (Away in a Manger) | A Rewrite

Since the late 19th century, The Church has been held hostage to one of the most theologically facile songs that has ever been sung during a service. All of the accusations of “pie in the sky when you die” and a “bearded man in the sky” can be found in this universal favourite.  When combined in a service filled with “baby” Jesus and the Christmas “Story” references, The Church has been inoculating people to the revolutionary faith we have in Christ.

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