Dodgy | Christmas at the Foodbank
I hadn’t heard of Dodgy since their one hit (did they have more?) Good Enough. It would seem a timely reminder of the real poverty that some experience here in the UK. You only have to scroll two posts on this blog to find the last time I pointed out the injustice of the gap between the rich and the poor.
Please support your local foodbank. It is a vital lifeline for people whilst the current government fails the most vulnerable in society.
If you are local to here, please support our local foodbank.
Pass The Nativity
All credit to Ellie Wilson our diocesan advisor for the under fives! Awesomeness abounds.
I just happened to be sat in the children and youth department’s office being a disturber of the peace. When talking about what was going on I mentioned our toddler group and Ellie tumbled out a gazillion awesome ideas.
The one I latched on to was pass the nativity. Santa comes and chocolate will be had. Excellent. But Playmobil make a nativity set. By wrapping them up in order we can tell of Jesus’ birth by playing pass the parcel.
So tomorrow morning they will come out when the music stops and I will sit and tell the tale of Jesus birth to some fresh ears who have never heard it before.
The equipment:
At the centre is JC, wrapped in gold at the heart of the package.
There is also Playmobil Saint Nicholas (not Santa). Postie hasn’t delivered him yet so I’ll have to wait until next year to play with him.
This is the order I’ve wrapped them:
Gaudete | Alternative Hymnal
Hat tip to @prescentorsue for bringing it to my attention.