OK, perhaps not that Christmas Advert…

Over the last two years society has increasingly looked at the state of the nation’s finances on both a macro and a micro level. We are starting to see a relationship between the prosperity of the country and the way in which people treat the money in their pockets. People are examining the causes of our current financial state and finding that people were spending money they didn’t have on things that they perceived that they needed because external pressure was applied to them. The systems increasingly indoctrinated people into using credit to buy trinkets and gadgets to prove their worth to the world around them or the value of their love to another.
I regularly listen to the radio throughout the day whilst I am working and the above advert is played regularly. Its catchy format lends it to audio as well as video by capitalizing on the old song by Terry Scott, “My Bruvva”. Yesterday on the blog I tried to articulate something about the way in which Christmas could still inspire us to change the world. With this in mind it is with sadness that I am confronted with the old world order every twenty minutes throughout the day. Nothing says ‘I love you’ like a child induced guilt trip over an X-Box, 0% finance and crippling debts for… my lovely, lovely mother.
Now that’s the real meaning of Christmas :-/