It hardly seems two minutes since this was playing on radio stations around the globe and yet my calendar informs me that it was released 18 years ago in 1993. This month’s Classic Rock Magazine has an interview with Lenny Kravitz about the iconic song he wrote on the back of a paper bag that took the world by storm.
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The Sacrament | Alternative Hymnal
I humbly perform before you an act of contrition. Dr Ruth pointed out that for the last few years she has wanted to play this song in church, probably at a Rock Mass and that she told me about it a long time ago. I have to admit that I may have heard her say this but I never got around to doing something about it. So here I offer my humble apologies to my wife. I also offer you The Sacrament by Him as an addition to The Alt:Hymnal. It’s very ‘igh.
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The Prodigal Son | Video
I found this on my desktop – someone sent a link to it on YouTube a while ago. I can’t for the life of me remember if I posted it at the time. If not, enjoy. If I did – enjoy again!!