Category: Music

In the Beginning | A New Song

Those of you who have had to listen to me pontificate about church music for any length of time will have heard me lament, quality or music, quality of lyrics, lack of scriptures and theological statements in modern music.  You will have no doubt also heard me groan at the mention of most Christmas music for counterproductive and often contradictory to the the faith.

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Dodgy | Christmas at the Foodbank

I hadn’t heard of Dodgy since their one hit (did they have more?) Good Enough.  It would seem a timely reminder of the real poverty that some experience here in the UK.  You only have to scroll two posts on this blog to find the last time I pointed out the injustice of the gap between the rich and the poor.

Please support your local foodbank.  It is a vital lifeline for people whilst the current government fails the most vulnerable in society.

If you are local to here, please support our local foodbank.

Rock Mass?


I was just picking up some guitar parts in PMT Leeds when I spotted this =D