Category: Uncategorized

Welfare Reform in Today’s Political Agenda

A society which allows large numbers of its citizens to live in poverty is unlikely to be sustainable. We have seen, since the 1980s, how whole communities hit by economic contraction can sink into a kind of collective depression from which some, especially young men, seek to emerge through violence, gangs and other destructive (and self destructive) ways of life.

Nick Morgan linked to the Church of England’s report on Welfare Reform on The Book of Face. It is a long read but has some good insights into the current UK government’s policy and how it relates to our faith.

I think the key phrase in the above quote is “since the 1980s” as it is telling about the current trajectory of the UKs economic policy. This report doesn’t quite give a bloody nose in the way that Faith in the City did to Mrs Thatcher’s government, but it does point out many of the failings of the current regime.


Rock Mass Leeds – #RockMassLeeds

We have got a whole host of stuff coming up with Metanoia in the next few months.  As we’re getting confirmation on things we’re starting to be able to publicise what’s going on.   @duttyo has been organising #RockMassLeeds in St Andrew’s URC in Roundhay, North Leeds.  It is such an awesome venue for The Rock Mass and it is set to be HUGE!  Bring your friends.  Bring your enemies.  Bring your neighbours!

Check out the website for more details.

Who is in Control?

Over the last six months there has been an ongoing war of words in the UK between politicians and Google. Google have spent the last decade seeing off all competition and making our lives better. However it would seem that they have not paid any tax. Their “UK sales team” don’t sell anything in the UK, which makes perfect sense so it must be OK.

A friend asked “how do I stop using Google products?” on Facebook. So much of our lives is now powered by Google. If you peel off the label of many websites underneath it says “Google inside”. This is of course great. Google make everything work together as a giant benevolent force in the universe.

Well…. Except for the desire to make money. Apart from that they are a giant benevolent force in the universe making everyone’s lives better. How do you stop using google products?


The system goes on-line August 4th, 1997. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.

PS If you didn’t spot it, this isn’t really a post about Google. It is about our reliance on technology and giant corporations. I’m currently Robb not 3 of 8.