Robb Sutherland

Home of Robb Sutherland

Online 9 Lessons and Carols 2012

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Some of you may remember that last year there was an Online Nine Lessons and Carols Service.  This year is no different and Metanoia are involved in it once again.  Check out all of the details over at Nine Lessons and Carols 2012!  Check out the hashtag #onlinecarols2012 too!

I also updated Metanoia’s facebook url so it matches every other online presence we have. Facebook’s original policy of never allowing you to change your name has been relaxed to “OK, we’ll let you change it but only once”.  If you have any links, they may need updating.


O Little Town of Bethlehem

“Isa is not rich, Isa is very poor I know this.  God loves the poor people.  Rich people.  All people”.

“If Jesus is born as a refuge, what about us?”



Over on Facebook I shared an article about Fox News’ “fight” for a “traditional Christmas”. Pat challenged me to make a meme. Challenge accepted!

It would seem that in the USA they’re having fun and games over who is allowed to party. Some angry theists are being taken to court by angry antitheists about who is allowed to have a party. Lots of cava is being spilled and people are crying over it.

Those of you who know me well will know I’m well up for Christmas and will be partying like its going out of fashion! But when you are a priest and have to hold the liturgical life of the local church it becomes part of you. As the article explains, Christian celebrations in december begin with Advent. So I will be partying but we’ll be doing it at Christmas. For now it’s Advent.

And this is the UK. No one is banning Christmas. That’s just a sneaky attempt every year by racists to recruit people to their cause.

Happy advent!