The Reverend Robert Sutherland, currently Assistant Curate, Morley Team Parish to be Vicar of Illingworth and Mixenden.
Details of Robb’s installation and induction will be announced at a later date.
In many ways this past week and today have been a bit of a blur. The announcement was made by the church warden this morning and I am a little overwhelmed by the support that everyone has shown Ruth and me. We have loved being part of the community here in Morley throughout my curacy and we are ever thankful for the immense love and support that we have been shown.
I’m looking forward to the challenges of my new role as we become part of the community in north Halifax.
Congratulations: hope the move goes smoothly and that all goes well in the new role – be blessed!
Thank you.
Great news Robb – congratulations and well done! …God does work in mysterious ways! :O)
But it’s alright, it’s alright. It’s alright.
Thanks mate.
That’s brilliant news. New Ministry in new place, flying unsupervised. I really love hearing other’s good news. Well done..
Wonderful! Every blessing to you and Ruth! Let the fun of incumbency begin – you will have right old time, fella!
Cheers mate.
Congratulations, you both will be missed in Morley but you will be a great asset in your ‘own parish’. The consolation is that it isn’t far from the Cross-Keys!
That was a vital consideration 😉
Congratulations,every Blessing to you and Ruth in your new Parish.
Just noticing this now…how exciting! Wishing you all the best 🙂
Thanks. Exciting times!
Exciting times indeed. You and Ruth will be in my prayerful thoughts as you negotiate the ups and downs of leave-taking, moving and starting to build community in your new place.
Thank you Pat.