Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love.
Many people are scared of their calling to follow The Christ. Surely the Christian life is a super human task carried out by extraordinary individuals like Mother Theresa of Calcutta or Martin Luther King? A little one like me can’t just slip in quietly by the backdoor and expect to do anything for God!!
This morning’s lectionary reading from Colossians 3:12-17 turns that familiar tale of feelings of inadequacy on its head. The Christian journey is one of humble compassion, kindness and gentleness binding people together in unity. We are called to do whatever we do, whether in word or deed in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
One of my favourite passages – though one I also find extremely challenging and fall a long, long way short of! Verse 14 is the crux I think- especially its more-than-suggestion that this requires an active disposition towards the other on our part that is not necessarily our natural inclination or always our first impulse.
I believe my congregation will corroborate my story:
This morning I may have said “I’m glad I am a work in progress” 3 times at various points during the sermon. I think everyone is aware (yourself included) that it is their job to minister to me. I need it most!
We all need it most at some stage of our lives; and we can all provide it most at others. Gift economy is such a wonderful thing 🙂
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