I haven’t posted a worship idea in a while. I guess that is mostly due to the context I find myself in for the next 6 months. Worshipping with a monastic community is a wonderful experience and it is greatly informing my understanding of emergence – but it doesn’t often appear to be alt. worship.
This post came out of a conversation at ASBOJesus about the efficacy of preaching a sermon as part of an act of worship. One of the main concerns was that there was not enough opportunity in a “traditional sermon” for interaction. This idea for Jazz Preaching came from a friend of mine who used the analogy of how Jazz Musicians interact with each other following a theme but improvising around it. Her idea was that a small group of people from the church meet in a local coffee shop on Monday morning. They would go through the readings for the next week and sit and talk about it over a Danish pastry. They would do much the same thing on Thursday morning. This would then follow on to a pint on Saturday evening with the same kind of theological discourse. On Sunday morning in church they would then sit around a table and the conversation continues. People would be able to improvise on the theme because they have been living with the issues raised from the passage for a week. It would also allow a diversity of opinion and more voices to speak to the conversation. If anyone has things to say from the congregation they can (Trisha stylee with a roving microphone).
Lovely idea, I’d like to try this. For me the main disadvantage is that I’m at work Mon-Fri, so even adjusting the times makes for a significant time commitment that would be hard to justify, unless I could see the results
Have you done it, how has it worked?.
I haven’t been in a situation where it would work yet. As an itinerant ordinand I have been bunged up various pulpits as part of my training with little ability to engage with a community.
At the church I used to preach in before I went to train it would have worked well with the evening service or the mid week.
We did something very similar once for an event on fresh expressions. I convinced Steve Croft and Jimmy Dunn to do the service as a chat show. We put together a “chat show type band” [I had to play trumpet which upset me greatly as I am a guitarist really!] and they sat on sofas debating the need for fresh expressions from a biblical and missiological point of view.
Worked really well.
yep that was a good service. the chat show format worked well.
We should do it again. We’ll put it on the list for next year along with Leeds flash mob worship!
Something similar from Jonny Baker.